David Sanders is the Democratic candidate for State Senate District 23, which includes Purdue
and West Lafayette. He is an Associate Professor of Biological Science at Purdue and teaches
the COVID-19 class. Chair of the Senate Student Affairs Committee, he’s an advocate for
students, faculty and staff. He not only meets voters personally on almost a daily basis, but as a
West Lafayette City Councilor, he conducts a “Monthly Meet Your Councilor” for engaging with
When approached by the local League of Women Voters to participate in a debate, David
immediately agreed. However, his Republican opponent in this current Indiana Senate race
declined, saying he was too busy to share his positions on issues.
Having known and worked with him for some time, I urge everyone to consider David Sanders’
exceptional qualifications for being a State Senator, one who is an accessible public official, and
for voting for him in the November 8 election.