The League of Women Voters of Greater Lafayette and WLFI TV18 are pleased to announce the following 2022 General Election candidate debates.
Tippecanoe County Sheriff's Debate This debate will be televised live from 7-8:00 pm on September 29, 2022. The debate will be held in the McCutcheon High School Auditorium and is open to the public.
Wabash and Fairfield Township Trustee Debate This debate will be broadcast on the WLFI TV18 website from 5:00 - 6:00 pm on October 6, 2022. The debate will be held in the Lafayette Jefferson Auditorium and is open to the public.
In addition to these debates, the League provides candidate information through VOTE411.org. Candidates are invited to respond to written questions and participate in an interview with a League member.
Questions about the debates can be directed to Lon Lucas at WLFI TV18 or Ken Jones, Voter Services Chair, Greater Lafayette League of Women Voters.
About The League of Women Voters
The League of Women Voters of Greater Lafayette is a nonpartisan political organization encouraging informed and active participation in government. We influence public policy through education and advocacy. We work to protect and expand voting rights and ensure everyone is represented in our democracy.
Lon Lucas, WLFI TV18, lon.lucas@wlfi.com
Ken Jones, Chair of Voter Services, joneskp0124@gmail.com
Angie Delworth, Communications Director, 66angeline@gmail.com