Indiana's Gubernatorial Candidates and Public Education

There are three candidates for Governor in Indiana’s election on November 5th.

Only one supports public education:   Jennifer McCormick.

The Indiana Coalition for Public Education board of directors has endorsed Jennifer McCormick for Governor. Please join them and then tell your family and friends in this grassroots movement to restore public education as a priority!

Republican Mike Braun’s first point on education is to “guarantee universal school choice." He has advertised his plan widely without explaining what “universal” means. It means another boost to private education in Indiana, not public education. It would give private school vouchers to parents who make even more than the current cut off of $231,000 for a family of four. He would have all taxpayers pay the private school tuition for the very wealthy, removing all income requirements to get a voucher. More vouchers for private schools would further cut money available to our public schools.

Libertarian Donald Rainwater, in his education plan, supports not only “universal school choice” but also a new idea to help private schools:  giving vouchers to “nonaccredited schools.”  This is a big and unprecedented step. Accreditation is a process in Indiana to show parents and communities that schools are meeting state standards. Currently, all public schools must be accredited and all private schools who want vouchers must be accredited by state or private accreditation agencies. This means Donald Rainwater is ready to throw out state accreditation standards and give taxpayer money to schools that do not meet state standards or follow state rules.

These two candidates clearly do not support public education. They are advocating policies that would let public schools lose support and slowly die.

Jennifer McCormick is the only candidate with the background and knowledge to protect and support our public schools which have been educating Hoosiers for over 170 years. When 90% of Indiana’s students attend public schools, they need a Governor who is an advocate for public schools.

If you want to see public schools in Indiana survive the attacks against them and be given a priority once again in the Governor’s office, support Jennifer McCormick!

Then tell your friends and family to do the same.

Thank you for your active support of public education in Indiana!

Best wishes,

Vic Smith