West Lafayette Organizations say No to Tax Breaks for Military Production

Press Contacts:

Greater Lafayette DSA: Olivia Gearner, omgearner@gmail.com, 606-356-1658
SURJ Greater Lafayette: Patrick DeBonis, 505-803-4337

The West Lafayette City Council is currently considering the renewal of tax abatements granted
to Saab Aeronautics and Rolls Royce, firms specializing in military hardware. At their facility in
West Lafayette, Saab Aeronautics currently manufactures its T-X Jet Trainer (also known as the
T-7 Red Hawk) while Rolls Royce produces propulsion components for use in the V-22 Osprey,
the C-130J Super Hercules and the Bell V-280 Valor military aircraft.1

The bigger question before the city council and the people of West Lafayette as they consider
the renewal of these abatements, however, is this: What kind of future do we imagine for our
city? Supporters will argue that jobs are jobs and money is money. We disagree. Investing in the
production of weapons of war, including equipment like the C-130J that is currently being used
by the Israeli Air Force in support of the ongoing massacre of Palestinians, is neither moral nor
wise.2 Increased investment in arms production will only contribute to the continued spread of
chaos and violence around the world, and will implicate our community in unconscionable

Accordingly, our coalition urges the West Lafayette City Council not to renew the existing tax
abatements for Saab and Rolls Royce. Decisions about future tax abatements, moreover,
should be guided by the following principles: that they come with the very strongest compliance
agreements possible; and that they foster production and innovation in sectors that contribute to
broadly shared prosperity, environmental sustainability, peace, and the common good.

Statement endorsed by
Greater Lafayette Democratic Socialists of America
SURJ Greater Lafayette
Purdue University YDSA

1 https://www.csoinc.net/projects/saab-aeronautics/


2 https://www.airforce-technology.com/news/israel-air-force-super-hercules...