What the “HEC” is happening at the Statehouse?

Want to learn what you can do to have your voice heard on environmental legislation that affects the air we breathe and water we drink? Indiana legislators are back in session and considering legislation that could weaken regulation of polluting factory farms, impair our environmental agency’s ability to issue protective permits, take away incentives that are critical to expanding roof top wind and solar, among other dangerous bills.

Kim Ferraro, Senior Staff Attorney and Director of Agricultural Policy with the Hoosier Environmental Council (HEC), will share the latest information and answer your questions about these proposed environmental bills and priorities in this important budget-making session of the Indiana General Assembly and how you can get involved.

Wed., Feb. 8th
5:15 pm - Informal hello's and appetizers
5:30-6:30 - Update & Your Questions
West Lafayette Public Library
208 West Columbia St., West Lafayette, IN

The League of Women Voters of Greater Lafayette has coordinated with HEC to host this opportunity in our community. HEC is a leading environmental
education and advocacy organization. HEC and the League of Women Voters of Indiana are two of the more than 25 organizations that make up the Indiana Conservation Alliance, which share a strong commitment to protecting and improving the state's natural resources.

About Kim Ferraro:

Kim has achieved several legal victories that have helped communities impacted by industrial pollution, factory farm waste, reckless residential development, and coal ash contamination. Kim’s honors include “Up and Coming Lawyer” by Indiana Lawyer, “Legal Advocate of the Year” by HEC, and Dean W. Kohlhoff Memorial Award for Excellence in Environmental Law.